Cluster Lumière

Campus Lumière

The Campus des Métiers et Qualifications d’Excellence “Intelligent light and sustainable lighting solutions”.

Created in 2017, the Campus des Métiers et Qualification d’Excellence is a network of training establishments (vocational high schools, IUTs, universities, grandes écoles, apprentice training centres, continuing education organisations) under the impetus of the Rectorat de Lyon and the Cluster Lumière to bring together the academic and business worlds of light and lighting.

Its aim is to develop the professional skills in lighting and illumination of young “learners” from BAC -3 to BAC +5, to encourage their access to the professions of today and tomorrow, and to meet the needs of companies.

Concrete actions

Raising awareness and discovering careers (Parcours Lumière, company meetings and visits, careers conferences, etc.).

Training through specific modules in existing training courses (Bac Pro, BTS, BUT, licence pro, etc.).

Development of training platforms and facilities in conjunction with professionals in the sector (in the Lumen building and in the network’s establishments).

LED Project

Initiated and set up by the Campus Lumière and the Cluster Lumière in 2019, the LeD (Lumières pour un éclairage Durable) project was submitted in February 2020 to the PIA 3 (Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir) Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications call for projects.

It is supported by Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University.

It brings together, in a public/private consortium, research, education and business establishments around the Campus Lumière.


The project has been allocated €2.5m over a 6-year period, and will accelerate the Campus’ training projects and extend them to a wide range of sectors and levels of training (construction, transport, biotechnology, horticulture, design/marketing, etc.).

This project is based on three actions:

  • Highlighting the lighting industry and its professions
  • Developing and implementing training courses that are closely linked to the needs of businesses
  • Developing innovative training materials and tools
Cluster Lumière

60 quai Perrache
CS 30333
69285 Lyon Cedex 02